Dr. Shlomo Elias and his colleagues at The ImmunoHematology Lab at the Hadassah Cancer Research Institute are exploring the interface between immune cells and hematopoietic cells in the normal state, in malignancy and in the context of bone marrow transplantation and Graft vs.Host Disease (GvHD), which is a common complication after bone marrow transplantation. Of particular interest is bone marrow, where normal hematopoietic cells are produced, and leukemia is initiated, as well as developing improved cellular therapies for malignancies and bone marrow transplantation.
Dr. Elias is a physician with expertise in Internal Medicine and Hematology and he has broad experience in both clinical and scientific disciplines, including electrophysiology and immunology. In addition to his scientific research at HCRI, Shlomo cares for patients at the Hematology Day Care Unit and at the Bone Marrow Transplantation Department at Hadassah Hospital.
He was previously a research fellow in the lab of Prof. Alexander Rudensky at New York’s Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, directing his research toward understanding the molecular mechanisms governing the differentiation and function of CD4 T lymphocytes and their role in immunity and tolerance.
Recent Key Publications:
CXCR4+ Treg cells control serum IgM levels and natural IgM autoantibody production by B1 cells in the bone marrow.Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2022; Elias S, Sharma R, Schizas M, Valdez I, Rampersaud S, Park S, Gonzalez-Figueroa P, Li Q, Hoyos B, Rudensky AY.
VEGFA’s distal enhancer regulates its alternative splicing in CML.NAR Cancer, 2021; Dahan S, Sharma A, Cohen K, Baker M, Taqatqa N, Bentata M, Engal E, Siam A, Kay G, Drier Y, Elias S, and Salton M,
In Situ Maturation and Tissue Adaptation of Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Progenitors. Immunity, 2020; Zeis P, Lian M, Fan X, Herman JS, Hernandez DC, Gentek R, Elias S, Symowski C, Knöpper K, Peltokangas N, Friedrich C, Doucet-Ladeveze R, Kabat AM, Locksley RM, Voehringer D, Bajenoff M, Rudensky AY, Romagnani C, Grün D, Gasteiger G.
Anti-RhD antibody therapy modulates human natural killer cell function. Haematologica, 2020; Elias S, Kol I., Kahlon S, Amore R., Zeibak M., Mevorach D., Elchalal U., Zelig O., Maneldboim O.