Clinical Trials Unit

At the Sharett Oncology Institute, we understand the profound importance of clinical trials in pioneering new treatments and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in cancer treatment. In addition to creating opportunities for patients to access innovative treatments otherwise unavailable, clinical trials also contribute to the advancement of cancer treatment as a whole

Our Expertise in Clinical Trials

The Sharett Institute of Oncology at Hadassah Medical Center prides itself on its extensive experience in conducting clinical trials at all stages of development. Our expertise ranges from laboratory research to early Phase I trials, and onto Phase II and Phase III registration trials. We engage in initiatives led by physicians and researchers from Hadassah, the Hebrew University, and international multicenter pharma-sponsored trials.

Our Team

The Journey of Cancer Treatment

In recent years, cancer treatment has advanced remarkably, leading to increased survivorship and improved quality of life for patients. These new treatments are the result of intensive research, starting in laboratories and advancing through patient-populated clinical trials.

The Unmet Need in Cancer Treatment

Despite significant progress, the development of new drugs and drug combinations remains a substantial need. This is to enhance the benefit amongst patients responding to treatments and to allow others to benefit from safe and effective treatments

Understanding Clinical Trials

Participation in a clinical trial can offer an opportunity to benefit from innovative treatments otherwise unavailable. It also contributes to the advancement of cancer treatment as a whole. It’s crucial to understand that interventions within trials are investigational and may prove ineffective at times. Therefore, discussing the pros and cons of participating in clinical trials with your oncologist and research team is of utmost importance

Upholding Ethical Standards

All clinical trials at the Oncology Clinical Trial Unit are conducted in accordance with international ethical standards and receive approval from the local Institutional Review Board (IRB). Ensuring patient safety and respect for individual rights are our topmost priorities

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